10 Results found for "not fracture".


incomplete fracture Jones fracture Lisfranc fracture Maisonneuve fracture mono-fracture nightstick fracture oblique fracture open fracture Pott's fracture Salter-Harris...


fracturer (transitive) to fracture Conjugation of fracturer (see also Appendix:French verbs) fracturefracturer”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé...

stress fracture

article on: stress fracture Wikipedia stress fracture (plural stress fractures) A small crack in a bone caused by repeated stress. fatigue fracture crack...

greenstick fracture

greenstick fracture (plural greenstick fractures) An incomplete fracture of a long bone in which one side of a bone is broken while the other is bent...

compound fracture

fracture Coordinate term: simple fracture open fracture — see open fracture complicated fracture “compound fracture”, in Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary...

open fracture

Wikipedia has an article on: open fracture Wikipedia open fracture (plural open fractures) (pathology) A fracture of a bone where one or more bone fragments...

simple fracture

simple fracture (plural simple fractures) (medicine) A fracture where the bone only is divided. compound fracture...


fracture +‎ -able fracturable (not comparable) Capable of being fractured fracturability...

hip fracture

on: hip fracture Wikipedia hip +‎ fracture, from being a fracture of the leg, located near, but below, the hip hip fracture (plural hip fractures) (pathology)...


See also: fracture fracturé (feminine fracturée, masculine plural fracturés, feminine plural fracturées) past participle of fracturerfracturé”, in Trésor...